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Transparency Notice

2025 Transparency Notice - Notice to Electors 

2025 IHFPD Transparency Notice.docSelf Nomination Form 2025.docx


§ 1-13.5-501, C.R.S.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and particularly to the electors of the Indian Hills Fire Protection District (the “District”), Jefferson County, Colorado.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an election for the District will be held on the 6th day of May 2025, between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. At that time three (3) directors will be elected to serve 4-year terms for the District.

Eligible electors of the District interested in serving on the board of directors for the District may obtain a Self-Nomination and Acceptance Form from Sue Blair, the Designated Election Official of the District, at the offices of Community Resource Services of Colorado, 7995 E. Prentice Avenue, Sute 103E, Greenwood Village CO 80111, 30381-4960, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. on regular business days.

Self-Nomination and Acceptance Forms, or letters which meet the requirements of § 1-13.5-501, C.R.S., are to be returned to the Designated Election Official not less than sixty-seven (67) days prior to the election, which date is Friday, February 28, 2025. If the Designated Election Official determines that a Self-Nomination and Acceptance form is not sufficient, the eligible elector who submitted the form may amend the form once, at any time, prior to 5:00 p.m. on February 28, 2025. Earlier submittal is encouraged as the deadline will not permit curing an insufficient form. A person who wishes to be a write-in candidate shall file an affidavit of intent to be a write-in candidate with the office of the Designated Election Official by the close of business on the sixty-fourth (64th) day before the election, which date is Monday, March 3, 2025.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that applications for and return of absentee ballots may be filed with the Designated Election Official until the close of business on the Friday immediately preceding the election, which date is Friday, May 2, 2025.


By: /s/Sue Blair , Designated Election Official



Notice to Electors 32-1-809 C.R.S.

 Legal Name of Special District:


This information must be provided 1 annually to the eligible electors of the district between November 16 and January 15.

Address and telephone number of district’s principal business office:

4476 Parmalee Gulch Road Indian Hills, CO 80454


Name and telephone of manager or other primary contact person for district:

Angel Dee Manning District Office Manager 303-697-4568

Email address of primary contact (Optional):

District’s website address:

(Required if choosing to post meeting notices online per HB 19-1087)

Time and place designated for regular board meetings [per C.R.S. 32-1-903]:

4th Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm Indian Hills Fire Department

4476 Parmalee Gulch Rd, Indian Hills, CO

Posting place designated for meeting Notice [per C.R.S. 24-6-402(2)(c)]: (District Website)

Names and Contact Information of Board Members

Check applicable boxes for a Board Member whose seat will be on the ballot at the next regular election.

(1) Board Chair

Name: _Scott Kellar (2027)

Contact Info:

oFour-year term

(2) Name: Chris Vigil (2025)

Contact Info:

oThis office included on next regular election ballot for a

oFour-year term

(3) Name: _Scott Ryplewski (2027)

Contact Info:

oFour-year term

(4) Name: Marc Rosenberg (2025)

Contact Info:

oFour-year term

(5) Name: _Kelley Lehman (2025)

Contact Info:

oThis office included on next regular election ballot for a

oFour-year term

Special District Transparency Notice for _INDIAN HILLS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 2025

Date of next regular election

May _6   , 2025

Self-nomination forms to be a candidate for district board member may be obtained from and should be returned to the Designated Election Official (or Board Chair or Secretary if no DEO). [per C.R.S. 1-13.5-303]

Self-nomination forms for the next regular election must be received by the district by:

February 28 , 20 25, no later than 5 : 00 PM.

Applications for absentee voting or for permanent absentee voter status are available from and must be returned to the Designated Election Official. [per C.R.S. 1-13.5-1003]

Designated Election Official:     Sue Blair, DEO

Contact Address:    7995 East Prentice Avenue, Ste. 103E, Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Contact Phone:    303-381-4960

District election results will be posted on these websites:


Department of Local Affairs

District Mill Levy

12.05_ mills, for collection in 20 25

Total ad valorem tax revenue received in the previous year

(note if unaudited or otherwise incomplete)

$ 481,880 (Preliminary/Unaudited)


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