Community Wildfire Protection Plan
Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs) help communities assess local hazards and identify strategic actions to mitigate risk and promote preparedness. Assessments and discussions during the planning process can assist fire protection districts with fire operations in the event of a wildfire and help residents prioritize mitigation actions. These plans also assist with funding gaps for fuel mitigation projects since many grants require an approved CWPP.
The 2023 CWPP for Indian Hills Fire Protection District is a robust update to the 2007 CWPP that takes advantage of recent advances in fire science and addresses changes to fire risk, home construction, and other characteristics of the community that have occurred since the original CWPP was prepared. The CWPP includes a wildfire risk analysis, prioritization of mitigation activities, and implementation recommendations. This document is a tool for the fire district, land managers, residents, neighborhoods, and community organizations to begin prioritizing projects that will make IHFPD a safer and more resilient community to wildfire.

The Indian Hills CWPP Documents are available for public viewing via the links below.