How to Become a Firefighter or Medic

Serving as an Indian Hills volunteer firefighter and/or EMT is an exciting, rewarding and satisfying opportunity. You may be surprised at the ease with which you can begin to serve your community. The basic requirements for membership in Indian Hills Fire/Rescue (IHFR) are minimal. A prospective member must be nineteen years of age, live within the District membership boundaries, complete a membership application, and obtain a physical exam and certain immunizations. The prospective member must also clear a Colorado Bureau of Investigation arrest record check and a motor vehicle record review. These procedures and checks are done at the Department expense. Once these basic requirements are met, the prospective member attends a “Probationary Saturday” training, offered three times a year, and becomes a probationary member. Upon completion of the Probationary Saturday and a CPR course, probationary members are eligible to begin responding to calls with other members. Probationary members attend regular training and meetings to begin learning the use and operation of various department apparatus and tools. Probationary members are issued certain basic equipment for use in training. All members are asked to attend as many of the weekly meetings as possible. Most meetings are held on Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm and last approximately two hours. The first Tuesday meeting is a department business meeting, the second is a fire training, the third is an EMS training, and the fourth Tuesday is a rescue training, which generally combines elements of both fire and EMS. While all members are asked to attend as much training as possible, the meetings are voluntary, except as required for membership purposes.Some community volunteers may wish to become a non-responding member of IHFR. Members who have talents and energy to contribute, but do not wish to become an emergency responder such as a Firefighter or EMT, may join IHFR’s Boots. These valuable members help out around the firehouse, work with the community, and perform other valuable services for the department, such as fundraising and providing refreshments at emergency scenes. All new responding members are required to successfully complete a wildland fire certification and First Responder/CPR course. Once completed, probationary members will receive equipment and further training. At the completion of their first year, probationary members will be eligible to become full members, provided they have met minimum meeting, training, and call response requirements. After one year of membership with IHFR, including the probationary period, the department may pay for the member to attend either the basic Firefighter I academy or EMT school. Should a new member wish to complete either of these courses during the first year, they may do so at their own expense. Upon successful completion of probation, the cost of this training will be reimbursed to the member. These courses are offered locally, often meeting during evenings and weekends. New members responding on emergency calls will be issued necessary equipment and respond in the company of a full member. In order to maintain active membership in IHFR, members are required to meet a minimum call volume, in addition to attending at least six (6) of the monthly business meetings annually and at least six (6) fire and six (6) EMS trainings. Rescue trainings count as 1/2 fire training and 1/2 EMS training. Opportunities for outside training are abundant, although not required. IHFR members attend national and state conferences and learn valuable skills through training not always available at the local level. IHFR members are eligible for various benefits including life insurance, worker’s compensation insurance for any injuries sustained in the performance of their duties, and even a pension after a minimum number of years in service. Most importantly, the volunteer members of Indian Hills Fire/Rescue have found that their service has enriched their lives and the lives of those around them. Your greatest reward will invariably be the thanks and gratitude of your neighbors and friends. Please join us in serving your community. Thank you for your interest in Indian Hills Fire/Rescue. For further information, please see our website ( ), leave a message at the firehouse (303-697-4568), or visit us at the firehouse (4476 Parmalee Gulch Road) during any of our meetings on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm.